Resources & Data
International Branch Campuses
Definition: An entity that is owned, at least in part, by a foreign higher education provider; operated in the name of the foreign education provider; and provides an entire academic program, substantially on site, leading to a degree awarded by the foreign education provider.
Education Hubs
Definition: A designated region intended to attract foreign investment, retain local students, build a regional reputation by providing access to high-quality education and training for both international and domestic students, and create a knowledge-based economy. An education hub can include different combinations of domestic/international institutions, branch campuses, and foreign partnerships, within the designated region.
How to Cite
We encourage the free, attributed use of the data published on for publications, instructional use, policy analysis, and other non-commercial purposes.
Except as noted, datasets available on this site are © Cross-Border Education Research Team. Users of the international campus data should cite as follows:
Cross-Border Education Research Team (update year, month date). C-BERT International Campus Listing. [Data originally collected by Kevin Kinser and Jason E. Lane]. Available: Oxford, OH: Author.
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