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Impact of geopolitical trends on international campuses
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at international campuses
National policies for transnational education and international campuses
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(currently being updated)
Challenges in a Disrupted World: Branch Campuses from the United States
(Daniel Kent, International Higher Education)
How International Education’s Golden Age Lost Its Sheen
January 3, 2019
For American Colleges, China Could Be the New Travel Ban — but Worse
November 18, 2018
Is Kean Giving Control of Its Overseas Faculty to Chinese Government? (Inside Higher Ed)
January 16, 2017Not Enough Specialist Courses on Offer at Dubai Universities, Say Experts (The National)
November 22, 2016The Liberal Arts Have a Big Role to Play in Our Post-Truth World (The National)
November 14, 2016US Fears Decline in International Students After Trump Election (Times Higher Education)
November 11, 2016China is Now Home to the Most International Branch Campuses in the World – Report (Study International)
November 10, 2016China Overtakes UAE as Top Host of Branch Campuses (University World News)
November 7, 2016New International Tax Reporting May Snag Big U.S. Nonprofits (Bloomberg BNA)
November 1, 2016Indian University’s Bumpy Entry Into the U.S. (Inside Higher Ed)
October 25, 2016Amity Plans US Campus for 10,000 ‘Primarily’ American students (Times Higher Education)
October 18, 2016Number of International Branch Campuses Hits 250 (Inside Higher Ed)
October 10, 2016Amid Scrutiny, Amity University Gets Ready For Its US Debut (The Economic Times)
September 28, 2016Branch Campuses Offer International Students Access to a Global Education (US News & World Report)
July 19, 2016After Brexit, Will UK Universities Set Up EU Branch Campuses? (Times Higher Education)
June 13, 2016Frequently Asked Questions: Best Arab Region Universities Rankings (US News & World Report)
May 27, 2016TNE Growth Must Go Hand in Hand with Quality – Panel (University World News)
March 15, 2016Arab Region Branch Campuses Offer Western-Style Education (US News & World Report)
October 22, 2015Video Powers a Global Education Experience (EdTech)
August 25, 2015Study: Foreign Universities Show Little Interest in U.S. Expansion (USA Today)
July 19, 2015Les hautes écoles croisent désormais le fer à ’étranger (Le Temps)
June 19, 2015From Beijing to Puget Sound (Inside Higher Ed)
June 18, 2015U.S., Chinese Universities to Launch Technology, Design Program (The Wall Street Journal)
May 28, 2015End of Branch Campus Boom? (Inside Higher Ed)
April 30, 2015Global Ambitions in Higher Education (University Business)
April 27, 2015Chinese Anti-Corruption Campaign Targets M.B.A. Programs (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
March 20, 2015Ban on Professor Raises Questions for Offshore Campuses (University World News)
March 18, 2015U.A.E. Incident Raises Questions for Colleges That Open Campuses in Restrictive Countries (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
March 5, 2015Drexel to Close Sacramento Campus (The Sacramento Bee)
February 25, 2015Why a Branch Campus Failed (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
February 24, 2015UC Berkeley Studies International Education Campus in Richmond (Los Angeles Times)
February 20, 2015While Branch Campuses Proliferate, Many Fail (University World News)
January 22, 2015Berkeley Plans to Build a Global Campus, 10 Miles From Home (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
January 13, 2015Educación transnacional: ¿el futuro de la educación? (El Cronista)
December 21, 2014UMass-Lowell and Raytheon Unite on Kuwait Degree Project (The New York Times)
December 12, 2014Weigh the Benefits, Drawbacks of Branch Campuses in Arab Region (US News & World Report)
October 13, 2014United Arab Emirates’ Experiments with Branch Campuses Have Mixed Results (Al-Fanar Media)
June 3, 2014International Branch Campuses Producing Opportunities, Headaches (Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)
April 17, 2014East Coast Colleges Follow the Money South and West (TIME)
March 12, 2014Bucking the Branch Campus (Inside Higher Ed)
February 26, 2014UAE Among Emerging Education Hubs (The National)
February 17, 2014American Universities Are Setting Up Campuses on the Mainland (South China Morning Post)
November 24, 2013After Brandeis and Syracuse, a US School Decides to Stay With Al-Quds (The Jerusalem Post)
November 19, 2013Colleges Go Abroad with Branch Campuses (USA Today)
October 16, 2013Universities Increase Expansion Abroad (Washington Square News)
October 11, 2013Texas A&M Branching Out in Israel? (The Eagle)
October 4, 2013Duke to NYU Missteps Abroad Lead Colleges to Reassess Expansion (Bloomberg)
September 18, 2013International Branch Campuses’ Key Role in the UAE (The National)
September 18, 2013Branch Campuses in UAE Come with Bogey of Western Culture (Gulf News)
September 16, 2013Rwandan Degree Program Aims for a ‘University in a Box’ (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
August 1, 2013Yale Commences With Singapore Wielding Subsidy as Rivals Depart (Bloomberg)
June 22, 2013Ties with China Face Scrutiny in Dispute over Dissident (University World News)
June 18, 2013Academic Ties With China Face New Scrutiny in Dispute Over Dissident (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
April 29, 2013MIT in Moscow Creates Sputnik Moments for $300 Million (Bloomberg)
April 10, 2013Arab Universities Grapple With U.S. Accreditation’s Focus on Academic Freedom (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
April 3, 2013Accreditors Without Borders (Inside Higher Ed)
March 15, 2013Technology Unlikely to Impact the Viability of International Branch Campuses in a Decade (The Evolllution)
February 6, 2013Colleges in Northeast Face Grimmer Future, Analysis Predicts (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
October 28, 2012Slow but Steady Growth in Foreign Branch Campuses (University World News)
October 24, 2012We’ll Always Have Paris…and Shanghai, and Mumbai (New School Free Press)
August 27, 2012Universities Look East, Fueling Branch-Campus Boom (TIME)
June 2, 2012Luring ‘Top-Notch’ Universities to the JGEC (The Jeju Weekly)
May 24, 2012Between Harvard and Yale, a World of Difference (The Harvard Crimson)
May 6, 2012What’s in a Name? For Yale in Singapore, a Whole Lot (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
May 5, 20122012 Global Forum: Conference Report (The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education)
April 19, 2012Yale-NUS Flak Not Mirrored in China (The Straits Times)
March 28, 2012Whose Yale College? (Inside Higher Ed)
February 19, 2012The Effect of ‘Cross-Border’ Education (The National)
February 19, 2012American Colleges’ Missteps Raise Questions About Overseas Partnerships (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
February 12, 2012In Albania, Can a U.S. Diploma Deliver? (The New York Times)
February 12, 2012The Secret of Success for a Branch Campus? It’s All in the Marketing (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
February 7, 2012Debate Arises at Qatar U. Over Decision to Teach Mainly in Arabic (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
October 26, 2011Duke Faculty Question the University’s Global Ambitions (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
October 13, 2011Universities Rethinking Global Expansion (The Boston Globe)
September 14, 2011Carnegie Mellon U. to Open Campus in Rwanda, a Milestone for Africa (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
May 10, 2011If You Build It, They Might Not Come (Inside Higher Ed)
April 27, 2011Aligning International Work With Institutional Priorities (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
November 12, 2010Studying Global Higher Education (Foreign Policy Association)
October 10, 2010GLOBAL: Hot Higher Education Issues (University World News)
September 20, 2010Branch Campuses Forced to Move Out of Dubai (Khaleej Times)
September 19, 2010GLOBAL: Branch Campuses Are ‘Hollow Shells’ (University World News)
September 14, 2010Overseas Branch Campuses Should Start Small, Assess Demand, Proceed Carefully (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
September 05, 2010DUBAI: Regulation is Not the Only Challenge (University World News)
September 2010NYU to Make Abu Dhabi ‘Ideas Capital’ (EdArabia)
August 31, 2010Call to Regulate Dubai’s Foreign Universities (The National)
August 22, 2010A For-Profit College Is the First of Its Kind to Gain Special Government Status in Britain (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
July 06, 2010Michigan State To Close Dubai Campus (NPR) here
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